Hollywood Peel


Hollywood Peel



The Hollywood Peel treatment is intended for all who want to improve or preserve their perfect skin. It will tighten pores, remove impurities, soften pigmentation, glow or tighten fine wrinkles. After the treatment, the skin appears youthful and healthy and is visibly smoother and radiant.

How the treatment progresses?

Before the treatment, a thin layer of carbon cream is applied to the skin and then the skin is exposed to laser energy. The combination of the laser beam and the carbon cream removes dead skin cells. This leads to skin that is radiantly clean with tightened pores. The benefit of the treatment is the overheating of the deeper layers of the skin, which leads to the natural stimulation of collagen fibres and starting of rejuvenation processes in the skin. The carbon layer, which during the procedure absorbs heat, ensures not only overheating, but also controlled peeling, without any subsequent chemical reaction or need for convalescence.

The result is visible immediately. The skin will appear youthful, visibly smoother, healthy and radiant. The treatment is not painful, and during it, you will only feel a slight overheating of the skin, or a slight pinch.

It effectively treats:

  • visible and immediate rejuvenation,
  • improving the texture and colour unification of the skin tone
  • reduction of pigmentation and post-acne symptoms
  • stimulation of collagen 
  • enlarging of the pores
  • fine wrinkles

The treatment cannot be done in the case of:

  • active herpes
  • pregnancy
  • suspected malignant skin tumour
  • treatment with retinoids (Roaccutan)
  • anticoagulant treatment

At DERMACENTER, we recommend 3-6 regularly recurring sessions over a period of 3 weeks. After the end of the course of treatment, the client can repeat the treatment every 3 months to maintain the achieved result.

Why this treatment?

  • no convalescence time and unlike other laser treatments, no damage caused to tissue
  • a combination of laser technology and carbon cream, penetrating deep into the skin
  • a rapid radiance of the skin and reduction of wrinkles

* You can register at klient.dcmedical.eu and use credit payment, where with the highest bonus you pay the highest price | Anyone can register, even a new client/patient

** Prices are orientational only | The final price depends on the complexity and range of the interventions, which we will confirm upon consultation | The price list is valid on date 23.2.2025



place OC RETRO Ružinov
Nevädzová 6 (1. floor)
821 01 Bratislava

alternate_email bratislava@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 2 221 17 110

alternate_email bratislava@dentalc.sk
phone +421 2 221 17 112


place OC MLYNY
Štefánikova trieda 35/61 (2. floor)
949 01 Nitra

alternate_email nitra@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 13

alternate_email nitra@plasticcenter.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 14

alternate_email nitra@dentalc.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 15


place Tajovského 17
040 01 Košice

alternate_email kosice@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 25

alternate_email kosice@plasticcenter.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 26

alternate_email kosice@dentalc.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 27

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