




Oxygen mesotherapy is a non-invasive, pain-free method of treating the face and décolletage, in which active substances are introduced into the deep layers of the skin using a pressure gun and a stream of oxygen. Cell renewal is accelerated in the skin, and the complexion remains fresh, clear and hydrated.

During this method, 95% oxygen, therapeutic sera, vitamins and other regenerating substances are injected under pressure deep into the skin. The changes are already visible even with the first treatment: the skin is firmer, more youthful and tauter. The procedure is very pleasant and completely anti-allergic. It is suitable for both women and men who want their face to look younger and healthier, but without surgical interventions.

The combination of oxygen and special products has a cooling effect on the skin, which stimulates capillary circulation, a process that causes the so-called “Regenerative shock”, in which a natural acceleration of cell renewal occurs.

The Oxylife Beauty oxygen spray improves the effectiveness of the regenerating substances, which get into the deeper layers of the skin thanks to the applicator. Oxygen treatment is an unforgettable experience, a feeling of well-being and health. The treatment is suitable in particular for people who are very tired, smoke a lot, have withered skin, poor skin colour, irregular pigmentation and are exposed to stress.

The treatment will help you reduce the signs of aging and damage to the skin caused by the sun and it can even out dry and oily skin and treat acne. Oxygen mesotherapy makes it possible to supplement the missing oxygen and return the skin to a feeling of freshness, clarity and a healthy appearance. This treatment is suitable for all skin types and has no side effects.


Effects of OxyLifting

  • rejuvenation of the skin and support of collagen production,
  • tightening effect,
  • regeneration of the cell structure and gradual firming of the skin,
  • reduction of pigment and age patches,
  • perfect skin hydration,
  • removes dead cells from the surface of the skin, and the complexion is solid and smooth,
  • has a positive effect on the treatment of acne,
  • removes traces of fatigue and stress,
  • smooths small mimic wrinkles and reduces deep wrinkles

Why this treatment?

  • the device comes from Germany
  • pain-free reduction of wrinkles
  • acceleration of lymph circulation in the blood
  • significant firming of the skin
  • time-saving
  • visible effect immediately after treatment
  • suitable for all skin types
  • the incorporation of active substances of vitamin C

* You can register at klient.dcmedical.eu and use credit payment, where with the highest bonus you pay the highest price | Anyone can register, even a new client/patient

** Prices are orientational only | The final price depends on the complexity and range of the interventions, which we will confirm upon consultation | The price list is valid on date 23.2.2025



place OC RETRO Ružinov
Nevädzová 6 (1. floor)
821 01 Bratislava

alternate_email bratislava@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 2 221 17 110

alternate_email bratislava@dentalc.sk
phone +421 2 221 17 112


place OC MLYNY
Štefánikova trieda 35/61 (2. floor)
949 01 Nitra

alternate_email nitra@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 13

alternate_email nitra@plasticcenter.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 14

alternate_email nitra@dentalc.sk
phone +421 37 221 11 15


place Tajovského 17
040 01 Košice

alternate_email kosice@dermacenter.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 25

alternate_email kosice@plasticcenter.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 26

alternate_email kosice@dentalc.sk
phone +421 55 221 11 27

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