Radio thermolifting


Radio thermolifting



This is an outpatient treatment with a massage effect, and after the treatment it’s possible to continue with normal daily activities. During the procedure, the treated area is passed through a probe, through which the radiofrequency from the device penetrates into the skin. By applying the radiofrequency to the dermis, the so-called middle layer of the skin, the radiofrequency changes its energy into heat, and thus significantly affects the structure of collagen and elastin. The collagen and elastic fibres contract, then tighten and form a new, firm fibrous structure. The result is firm, smooth, elastic and visibly rejuvenated skin. A significant reduction in wrinkles around the eyes and mouth occurs along with the removal of sagging skin and a significant strengthening of facial contours. The procedure on the face, neck and décolletage is very pleasant and pain-free; the client feels only a gentle warmth. If you have finer wrinkles, the temperature is adjusted to 41 degrees, if deeper, to 46. At this temperature, the collagen in the deeper layer of the skin contracts, renews and stretches again. The client doesn’t feel a thing. After the procedure, the skin gently turn pink, as if you have just returned from a walk in the fresh air.

The uniqueness of the radiofrequency method performed at DERMACENTER Košice is the use of RayLife technology, which is the only one in Slovakia that combines the RF method with lymphatic acupressure massage, thus providing a higher effect. The instrument creates a vacuum on the applied area, drawing the tissue between the electrodes, then emitting radiofrequency waves through the drawn subcutaneous tissue, thus more effectively affecting the tissue to promote collagen formation.

RayLife technology is the only one that allows application to the eyelids as an area “par excellence”. DERMACENTER Nitra is thus the only centre in Slovakia where instrumental lifting of the eyelids and area around the eyes is done without the use of needles and a scalpel.

In order for the rejuvenating effect to last for two to three years, you must lie down under the radiofrequency probe on average five times at two-week intervals. One treatment of the face lasts up to 45 minutes.

The advantage of this treatment is that, unlike laser treatments, the sun does not interfere with radio thermolifting. While you must wear special goggles or goggles on your eyes during laser procedures, radio thermolifting can safely reach the area just below the eyes and to the eyebrows.

Depending on the number and severity of individual skin problems, 5-6 procedures are recommended. At least two weeks must elapse between treatments. Your ability to move, perform work and your lifestyle will not change after the treatment. You will be able to return to work on the same day and perform all your usual activities without any restrictions. For higher, but mainly faster efficiency, we recommend several combined packages from DC Age PACKETs according to the application. Between individual treatments, we likewise recommend to the client several professional lifting cosmetics from DERMACENTER in combination with the MASSADA home treatment.

Why this treatment?

  • treatment of the face, neck, décolletage, a German device
  • the only device that enables application to the eyelids
  • the advantage of skin treatment even during the summer
  • uses a method with lymphatic acupressure massage
  • without any side effects for all skin types
  • effectively affects the tissue for the support of collagen production

* You can register at and use credit payment, where with the highest bonus you pay the highest price | Anyone can register, even a new client/patient

** Prices are orientational only | The final price depends on the complexity and range of the interventions, which we will confirm upon consultation | The price list is valid on date 23.2.2025



place OC RETRO Ružinov
Nevädzová 6 (1. floor)
821 01 Bratislava

phone +421 2 221 17 110

phone +421 2 221 17 112


place OC MLYNY
Štefánikova trieda 35/61 (2. floor)
949 01 Nitra

phone +421 37 221 11 13

phone +421 37 221 11 14

phone +421 37 221 11 15


place Tajovského 17
040 01 Košice

phone +421 55 221 11 25

phone +421 55 221 11 26

phone +421 55 221 11 27

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